The Harris Tweed® Journal

1. Process: Shearing & Wool Gathering

29th September

The Harris Tweed® Process

1. Shearing & Wool Gathering

Harris Tweed® cloth is made with pure virgin wools, which are blended together to gain the advantages of their unique characteristics. Although most of the wool comes from the Scottish mainland, in the early summer, the island communities join together to round up and shear the local sheep, which are dotted throughout the landscape.

1. A’ Bearradh & A’ Cruinneachadh na Clòimhe

Tha an Clò Hearach air a dhèanamh de fhìor chlòimh, a tha air am measgachadh ri chèile gus a’ bhuannachd as fheàrr fhaighinn às na feartan sònraichte a tha annta. Ged is ann bho Thìr Mòr na h-Alba a tha a’ mhòr chuid den chlòimh a’ tighinn, tràth as t-samhradh, bithear a’ cruinneachadh nan caorach ann an coimhearsnachdan nan eilean gus na caoraich ionadail a chithear air feadh an àite, a chruinneachadh agus a bhearradh.

The Process

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