The Harris Tweed® Journal

100% Natural

7th April

Gnìomhachas Seasmhach
1. 100% Nàdarrach
Tha Clò Hearach air a dhèanamh bho chlòimh 100% Breatannach, a tha gu nàdarrach ath-nuadhachail, bith-lobhach agus ath-chuairteachail. Cuir ri seo gu bheil i socair, comasach seasamh ri gaoth, uisge agus lasair agus cha leigear a leas obair crìochnachaidh a bharrachd a dhèanamh airson seo.

A Sustainable Industry
1. 100% Natural
Harris Tweed® is made from 100% British wool, naturally renewable, biodegradable and recyclable. Add to this that wool is breathable, wind and waterproof and flame resistant, all without the need for additional finishes.

Photograph by Janet Miles

machair flowers

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