30th March
Ten Reasons to Love Harris Tweed®
4. Nàdarrach
Tha an Clò Hearach na roghainn nàdarrach: modhan-obrach ullachaidh air fhighe le làmh le buaidh glè ìosal agus riatanas laghail a bhith an urra ri bun-stuth nàdarrach. Bheir an solaraiche agad dhut an sònrachas agus am mion-fhiosrachadh mun rogha aodaich agad.
“Low-impact handwoven production methods and a legal requirement to rely on natural raw materials: Harris Tweed® is a natural choice. Your supplier will provide you with the specification and details of your preferred cloth.”
Visit our website to read more of our ‘Ten Reasons to Love Harris Tweed®’ available in both Gaelic and English.
Photograph by Lewis Mackenzie