The Harris Tweed® Journal

8 Key Dates that Made Harris Tweed® History

2nd December

From time immemorial, islanders in the Outer Hebrides have woven a beautiful cloth, but here is a brief history of Harris Tweed® in eight key dates:

  1. 1834 Harris Estate sold to the 4th Earl of Dunmore by Macleod.
  2. 1844 First recorded order for Murray Tartan Harris Tweed. Paisley sisters of Pabbay/Strond. Lady Dunmore began to ‘market’ Harris Tweed.
  3. 1906 Mr Henry Lyons imprisoned for two months for fraud. The crime: ‘Passing off’ of the genuine article by unscrupulous manufacturers – ‘Peasants of OH (Outer Hebrides)’  32/6 jacket.
  4. 1909 Harris Tweed Association formed and application made for Orb certification mark.
  5. 1910 Trade Mark granted and Orb used in 1911. Kenneth Mackenzie Mill (still open today) opened in Lewis Street.
  6. 1934 Revised definition of Harris Tweed, confining all production to the islands of the Outer Hebrides.
  7. 1964 Lord Hunter ruled that the terms of the 1934 definition must be observed.
  8. 1993 Passing of the Harris Tweed Act of Parliament and Harris Tweed Authority created.

Read more of our story:

The History of Harris Tweed®

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