The Harris Tweed® Journal

A’ Nighe & a’ Dath

15th December

The Process…

A’ Nighe & a’ Dath
‘Washing and Dyeing’
/Nʲi.ə/ /agəs/ /dah/

Tha an Clò Hearach dha-rìribh air a dhath mar chlòimh, i.e. tha a’ chlòimh air a dath mus tèid a snìomh seach a bhith a’ dath snàth a tha air a shnìomh. Tha seo a’ ciallachadh gu bheil snàth de dhathan eadar-dhealaichte air an cur ri chèile gus an t-uabhas dhathan is thuaran toinnte a chruthachadh. Leis gu bheil na planntasan a-nis air an dìon, chan urrainnear a bhith a’ cleachdadh dathan nàdarrach. Ach, is e aodach-fighte a tha dha-rìribh fallain gu h-eag-eòlach a tha seo le buaidh-iòsal VOC (volatile organic compound) pròiseas ullachaidh stuth-sùighteach, agus tha e neo-aileirgeanach agus bith-lobhach.

Harris Tweed® fabric is truly dyed in the wool, i.e. the wool is dyed prior to being spun as opposed to dyeing spun yarn. This means different coloured wools are blended to create a myriad of intricate shades and hues. As the vegetation is now protected, natural dyes be can no longer be used. However, Harris Tweed® is a truly ecologically sound textile, with a low-impact VOC (volatile organic compound) absorbent production process, and is non-allergenic and biodegradable.

To learn more about the Process of Harris Tweed® fabric, visit our Process Page, available both in English, and Gaelic.

Photograph by Jackson Tucker Lynch

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