The Harris Tweed® Journal


16th November

Two exquisitely produced Harris Tweed® jackets are the culmination of a project that spans generations of homegrown island talent.

In 2018, Isle of Harris Distillery set out to discover – with its Harris Tweed® project – about the art of weaving and the skills of the people and mills who help bring the historic island textile into being.

The distillery, along with Harris Tweed Hebrides, the Harris Tweed Authority and Education services worked closely with schools across the island as they set local schoolchildren the challenge of designing a new Isle of Harris Distillery tweed, while learning about this special and historic cloth from the Outer Hebrides.

Lorna Macaulay, our Harris Tweed Authority CEO said: “It comes as great comfort to those of us in the Harris Tweed® industry that there are young islanders coming through who clearly have the skill, interest and desire to continue in their generation what began 150 years ago.”

After months of working with local students the eventual winner was 14-year-old Scott Murray from Sir E. Scott School in the Isle of Harris. His winning design was handwoven by the distillery’s own Stephen Passmore and, this year, Isle of Harris Distillery has collaborated with designed Judy R Clark to create something uniquely special from the cloth.

At every stage of the process, the islands’ history and culture has been woven into this special story. The young designer and the Harris Tweed® weaver belong to the islands. Judy R Clark, the award-winning fashion designer also has historic island connections. The ‘secret’ embroidery is produced by Alison Macleod of Tiger Textiles in Ness, Isle of Lewis. From the Harris Tweed® cloth to the buttons to the linings, the colours of the Outer Hebrides permeate the design.

We are excited to share that – ahead of its 2021 launch – customers in Scotland have the chance in the next five weeks to own a made-to-measure version of the jackets!

On a first-come-first-served basis, consultations will take place in Glasgow (at the Isle of Harris Gin pop up shop) and Edinburgh (at Judy R Clarks’ studio).

For anyone interested in purchasing a made-to-measure jacket (which would be made and delivered in 4-6 weeks’ time) send an email to [email protected] who will arrange a phone call to discuss details personally.



Photography: David Stanton @stanton_imaging

Models: Mercedes and Jason @coloursagency

Make up and Hair: @paulina_siembor

Jewellery: @sarahbrownjewellery

Designer: Judy Clark @judyrclark

Embroidery: Alison Macleod  @aliness1


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