27th April
Ten Reasons to Love Harris Tweed®
8. Obair-Ciùird
Air fhighe le beairtean le stùil-coise, tha an Clò Hearach air fhighe le làmh às aonais fèin-obrachas no dealain. Bheir e mìosan sgilean breabadair ionnsachadh agus bliadhnaichean gus a thighinn gu làn ìre agus tha a h-uile ceum de phròiseas a’ Chlò Hearaich ann an làmhan eileanaich sgileil, bhon ìre dath gu ìre lìbhrigidh.
“Woven on treadle-powered looms, Harris Tweed® fabric is crafted by hand without the aid of automation or electricity. Weaver’s skills take months to learn and years to master and every step of the Harris Tweed® process is in the hands of skilled islanders, from dyeing to delivery.”
Visit our website to read more of our ‘Ten Reasons to Love Harris Tweed®’ available in both Gaelic and English.
Image of loom pedals | Janet Miles