The Harris Tweed® Journal

Retirement of Brian Wilson

18th November

Many stories and memories of our unique Harris Tweed industry over the years were shared when we gathered yesterday with representatives from the Association of Harris Tweed Weavers and Harris Tweed Hebrides, to mark the retirement from our industry of Mr Brian Wilson, former Chairman of Harris Tweed Hebrides.

We all thank Brian most sincerely for his influence on and contribution to the Harris Tweed sector throughout his journalism, political and, in his own words, quite unexpected textiles career.


Harris Tweed Brian Wilson


Pictured left to right clockwise: Kenny Maclennan (AHTW), Brian Wilson, Joni Wilson, Lorna Macaulay (HTA), Ian A Mackenzie (HTH), Norman L Macdonald (HTA), Alasdair Macleod (HTA), Aneas Maclean (AHTW).

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