The Harris Tweed® Journal

Seachdain Na Gàidhlig 3

23rd March

How did your Gaelic go?

Today’s translation:

When we say that Harris Tweed® is dyed in the wool, we actually mean it. It is not the yarn that is dyed, nor the cloth itself at a later stage. Why? Well, this allows us to blend many different coloured wools together, creating the depth of colour and texture unique to HARRIS TWEED cloth. Take a close look at a piece of Harris Tweed® and notice a whole lot more than just one single shade or colour. 


Nuair a tha sinn ag ràdh gu bheil an Clò Hearach le dath anns a’ chlòimh, tha sinn ga chiallachadh. Chan e an snàth a tha sinn a’ dath, no an clò fhèin aig àm eile. Carson? Uill, tha sinn a’ toirt dhuinn fhèin cothrom iomadh dath anns a’ chlòimh a mheasgachadh ri chèile, a’ cruthachadh doimhneachd anns an dath agus faireachdainn sònraichte a gheibh thu a-mhàin leis a’ Chlò Hearach. Thoiribh sùil air pìos den Chlò Hearach agus chì sibh tòrr a bharrachd air aon dath.


Seachdain na Gàidhlig | World Gaelic Week





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Photograph by Janet Miles

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