The Harris Tweed® Journal

Seachdain Na Gàidhlig 7

27th March

How did your Gaelic go?

Today’s translation:

This spun yarn is then wound onto cones, or as we call them, bobbans, which later become the warp and weft threads for weaving. The warp threads are the ‘up and down threads’ of the tweed, and the weft threads are the ‘left to right’ threads of the tweed. 

There are over 200 Harris Tweed® weavers on Lewis and Harris – some weave for the mills and some weave independently and have their own customers. Weavers who weave for the mills have the yarn and bobbans of weft delivered to them at their home by the mill lorry or van, ready to be woven on their looms.


Tha an snàth snìomhte a-nis a’ dol air còn, no mar a bhios againn air – am boban, a bhios a-rithist na snàth-deilbh agus snàth-cuir airson fhighe. ‘S e an snàth a bhios a’ dol ‘suas agus sìos’ an snàth-deilbh – a’ ‘warp’, agus ‘s e an snàth a bhios a’ dol tarsainn anns an spàl, an snàth-cur – a’ weft’.

Tha còrr is 200 breabadair ann an Leòdhas is Na Hearadh – cuid aca a’ fighe airson nam muileann agus feadhainn aca ag obair air an ceann-fhèin le na custamairean aca fhèin. Tha na breabadairean a tha ag obair dha na muilnean a’ faighinn an t-snàth agus na bobain air an toirt thuca le bhana no làraidh na muilne, deiseil airson fhighe air a’ bheart.


Seachdain na Gàidhlig | World Gaelic Week





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