The Harris Tweed® Journal

The Reach of Memory

27th May

After a recent call-out for information on this fabulous image found in the Harris Tweed Authority archives, we were lucky enough to get help from the memory of Ian Angus Mackenzie of Harris Tweed Hebrides.

The photograph was taking in the Station Hotel, Inverness in the early 1980s on the occasion of the retirement of Dr Shaw Grant and Mr Charles Oakley.
Front Row L-R: Dr James Shaw Grant (Chairman of the Harris Tweed Association), Dr Calum Macleod (Successor to Dr Shaw Grant as Chair of HT Association), Mr Charles Oakley.
Row 2 L-R: Mr Donald John Mackay (CEO Harris Tweed Association), (Unknown), Mrs Shaw Grant(?), Mr Colin Scott Mackenzie (Member of HT Association), Mr Derek Murray (Managing Director, Kenneth Macleod, Shawbost Ltd), Mr Donald Macdonald (Harris, Member of the HT Association).
Row 3 L-R: Mr Calum Macaulay (HT Association Chief Stamper), Mr Calum Gillies CA (Member of the HT Association)
Row 4 L-R: Mr Ian Angus Mackenzie (Secretary of the Weavers Association, today CEO of Harris Tweed Hebrides), Mr Bruce Burns (Clansman Holdings), Mr Harris Mackenzie (MD Kenneth Mackenzie Ltd), Mr Ian Lawrence (Clansman Holdings/Smiths Mill).
Row 5 L-R: Mr Mike Ferris (Clansman Holdings), Mr Alasdair Hay (Sales, Kenneth Mackenzie Ltd), Unknown, Mr John Macleod (Principal, Lews Castle College), Mr Roderick Morrison (Member HT Association), Mr Bill McGonigle (Highland Area TGWU rep.).
From the Archives…

There are still a few unknown smiles. Can you help us out? If you spot a familiar face, please feel free to get in touch by emailing [email protected]

Photographer unknown
black and white group portrait

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