Word of the Week: Blended and Carded Wool
24th June
What a difference a blend makes!
The Harris Tweed® Story from Wool to Yarn

BLENDED AND CARDED WOOL: The ‘Silver’ refers to the wool when it has been further broken down and the colours thoroughly mixed. The other sample is the product of the condenser part of the carding machine. It shows how the wool has been divided equally into embryo yarn. It has no strength and is easily pulled apart.
CLÒIMH AIR A CO-MHEASGACHADH IS AIR A CÀRDADH: Tha am facal ‘Airgead’ air a thoirt dhan chlòimh an uair a tha i air a bhith air a briseadh sìos gu tur agus a tha na dathan air am measgachadh gu math. Tha an sampall eile air a thighinn bhon choindeansair a tha san inneal càrdaidh. Tha e a’ sealltainn mar a tha a’ chlòimh air a bhith air a roinn gu co-ionann na tùs-shnàth. Chan eil neart sam bith innte agus tha e furasta a tarraing às a chèile.
Photography by Alison Johnston/Encompass