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Word of the Week: Beauty | Bòidhchead

…tuar ceart fhaotainn, a h-uile h-aon dhiubh a’ comharrachadh taobh air choreigin de ar suidheachadh nàdarrach. Fraoch, còinneach, lochan, beanntan agus adhar: a h-uile h-aon dhiubh a’ tighinn ri chèile…

A Colour Pick-Me-Up

Bold colours cheer a bleak landscape. This shieling’s owner knows a little colour pick-me-up is sometimes all we need to brighten up a dull day. So too, the green, red…

Interlocked Threads

The evidence of the sea-salted air in these chunky, rusted links. Interlocked threads of gold, tan and chocolate form a pure pattern of delight in this Harris Tweed® twill. Wow!…

Old Conversations

Striking lines in orange, black and white. Rock and metal, glass and stone. Merged histories. Forgotten stories. The whisper of old conversations. Photography: Phonebox at Mangersta/ Lewis Mackenzie Houndstooth cloth…

2. Process: Washing & Dyeing

…used. However, Harris Tweed® is a truly ecologically sound textile, with a low-impact VOC (volatile organic compound) absorbent production process, and is non-allergenic and biodegradable 2. A’ Nighe & A’…

Creeping Lichen

Today’s Harris Tweed® cloth is the colour of creeping lichen invading the roof and walls of an old croft house. Photography: Cloth / Alison Johnston Croft House on Machair/Lewis Mackenzie…

3.Process: Blending & Carding

The Harris Tweed® Process 3. Blending & Carding The dyed wools are weighed in pre-determined proportions and thoroughly blended to exact recipes to obtain the perfect hue. They are then…

Look up!

Look up! The beech trees in Stornoway’s Castle Grounds proudly display their Autumn glories. Before our eyes, the seasons change from green to gold to russet red. This Harris Tweed®…

4. Process: Spinning

…wound onto bobbins to provide the ingredients for the loom: weft (left to right threads) and warp (vertical threads). 4. A’ Snìomh Tha an snàth bog air a thoinneamh an…

The Tide’s Tug

Today, the old boat’s original colours are overtaken by rust and lichen in precarious, but perfect balance. Equally, the unusual combination in this Harris Tweed® herringbone pulls us like the…