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5. Process: Warping

The Harris Tweed® Process 5. Warping This highly skilled process sees thousands of warp threads gathered in long hanks in specific order and wound onto large beams ready to be…

6. Process: Weaving

…Weaving the cloth can now begin under the careful observation of the weaver. 6. A’ Fighe Tha an Clò Hearach air fad air fhighe air beairt aig dachaigh a’ bhreabadair…


Archive Harris Tweed Assoication advert from our collection   Today’s blast from the past takes the form of an advert produced by the Harris Tweed Association. According to this advert,…

7. Process: Finishing

The Harris Tweed® Process 7. Finishing The tweed returns to the mill in its ‘greasy state’ and here it passes through the nimble hands of experienced, sharp-eyed darners who correct…

Natural Dyes

…to dye Harris Tweed® fabric. Our ancestors certainly made good use of their surroundings. (Well, we do say from the land comes the cloth.) From the most unprepossessing of fauna…

8. Process: Stamping

…nan ìrean, thèid comharra teisteanachaidh ainmeil an Òrb a chur air taobh cùil an aodaich le iarann teth. Is e seo an seula ùghdarrais dheireannaich. Photograph: Stamping Process | Jackson…

Staff Not Included

Our archive post for this week comes from a series called the Drambuie Collection of Harris Tweed®. This one reads: ‘Gentleman’s Country Outfit. A two-piece country-style suit in predominantly blue,…

Sea Roar

The power of the crashing wave caught in black and white – a split second, but we still hear the sea roar. Can this magic be woven into the Big…

Wild Days!

We are in the middle of yet more stormy weather here in the Outer Hebrides. We love these wild days! (Well, mostly.) This Harris Tweed® cloth captures the icy-green glassy…

Billowing Grass

A line of footprints disappears into the long stretch of beach, edged by billowing marram grass. And sand-coloured threads blend into the green weft of this herringbone, making a machair….