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Word of the Week: Indigenous/Dùthchasail

10 Reasons to love Harris Tweed® Harris Tweed® weaver Anna Macleod with her father Reason 3: Indigenous/Dùthchasail By law, all Harris Tweed must be produced in the Outer Hebrides and…

Look Sharp!

…lines of monochrome. Make a striking statement with this Harris Tweed® cloth. ‘Striding Ahead’ Photograph by Lewis Mackenzie Harris Tweed® cloth handwoven by Western Isles Designs Find their contact details:…

Nature Returns Our Gaze

…moment like this, but oh, the rewards when we stop, look closer and find Nature looking back! Photography: Deer/Lewis Mackenzie Harris Tweed® cloth/ Alison Johnston/Encompass This Harris Tweed® cloth comes…

Word of the Week: Beauty | Bòidhchead

…tuar ceart fhaotainn, a h-uile h-aon dhiubh a’ comharrachadh taobh air choreigin de ar suidheachadh nàdarrach. Fraoch, còinneach, lochan, beanntan agus adhar: a h-uile h-aon dhiubh a’ tighinn ri chèile…

A Colour Pick-Me-Up

Bold colours cheer a bleak landscape. This shieling’s owner knows a little colour pick-me-up is sometimes all we need to brighten up a dull day. So too, the green, red…

1. Process: Shearing & Wool Gathering

…throughout the landscape. 1. A’ Bearradh & A’ Cruinneachadh na Clòimhe Tha an Clò Hearach air a dhèanamh de fhìor chlòimh, a tha air am measgachadh ri chèile gus a’…

Interlocked Threads

…That’s our chain reaction(!). Harris Tweed® cloth / Alison Johnston / Encompass Rusted chains / Lewis Mackenzie This Harris Tweed® cloth is produced by Seaforth Harris Tweed, one of the…

Old Conversations

Striking lines in orange, black and white. Rock and metal, glass and stone. Merged histories. Forgotten stories. The whisper of old conversations. Photography: Phonebox at Mangersta/ Lewis Mackenzie Houndstooth cloth…

2. Process: Washing & Dyeing

…aodach-fighte a tha dha-rìribh fallain gu h-eag-eòlach a tha seo le buaidh-iòsal VOC (volatile organic compound) pròiseas ullachaidh stuth-sùighteach, agus tha e neo-aileirgeanach agus bith-lobhach. Photograph: Master Dyes/ Janet Miles…

Creeping Lichen

Today’s Harris Tweed® cloth is the colour of creeping lichen invading the roof and walls of an old croft house. Photography: Cloth / Alison Johnston Croft House on Machair/Lewis Mackenzie…