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3.Process: Blending & Carding

…carded between mechanical, toothed rollers that tease and mix the fibres before being separated into a fragile, embryonic yarn. 3. A’ Measgachadh & A’ Càrdadh Tha an snàth a tha…

Look up!

Look up! The beech trees in Stornoway’s Castle Grounds proudly display their Autumn glories. Before our eyes, the seasons change from green to gold to russet red. This Harris Tweed®…

4. Process: Spinning

…a’ bheairt: an snàth-cuir (snàithlein a’ dol bhon làimh cheàrr chun na làimhe clì) agus an dlùth (na slàithlein air fad a’ chlò). Photography by Janet Miles Read more:  …

The Tide’s Tug

…Photograph: Time and Tide/Lewis Mackenzie This Harris Tweed® cloth comes from a general Harris Tweed Authority selection. Many Harris Tweed® weavers produce cloths like this. FInd their contact details here:…

5. Process: Warping

…crann-snàth, deiseil gus an lìbhrigeadh còmhla ri snàth-cur (bobain), gu na breabaidearan aig an dachaighean. Photograph of Biddy hand warping at Carloway Mill | Jackson Tucker Lynch Read more:  …

6. Process: Weaving

…is chan ann ann am muilinn. Bidh snàth-dlùth agus an snàth-cur a’ tighinn bhon mhuilinn. Bidh am breabadair an uair sin a’ tòiseachadh a’ ceangal a’ chlò a-steach dhan bheart,…


Archive Harris Tweed Assoication advert from our collection   Today’s blast from the past takes the form of an advert produced by the Harris Tweed Association. According to this advert,…

7. Process: Finishing

…a perfect, flawless condition. 7. A’ Sgeadachadh Bidh an clò a’ dol air ais chun na muilne ann an riochd neo-ullaichte is ann an seo bidh e a’ dol tro…

Natural Dyes

…to dye Harris Tweed® fabric. Our ancestors certainly made good use of their surroundings. (Well, we do say from the land comes the cloth.) From the most unprepossessing of fauna…

8. Process: Stamping

…ìre mu dheireadh sa phròiseas neach-sgrùdaidh neo-eisimeileach bho Ùghdarras a’ Chlò Hearaich a bhith a’ sgrùdadh a’ chlò, agus ma bhios an neach-sgrùdaidh riaraichte gu bheil an clò a’ ruighinn…