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Tricks of Colour

Ever wondered how we get the colours so bright in Harris Tweed® cloth…? Happy April Fool’s Day to our Harris Tweed® family and friends!…

Warm in the Wool

We finish the week with more snow – confirming it is a return to winter for the Outer Hebrides. This flock has the right idea: like Harris Tweed® cloth, 100%…

A Fabric For Life

…a dhèanamh air fad bho chlòimh, tha e gu tur bith-chnàmhach. A Sustainable Industry 2. A Fabric for life Harris Tweed® is a high performance fabric: durable, requiring minimal laundering,…

Sustaining a Heritage Industry

…an Clò Hearach a’ cumail suas fighe spèisealaichte agus sgilean ullachaidh aodaich air feadh choimhearsnachdan dùthchail iomallach-a’ cruthachadh chothroman obrach seasmhach tro ghinealaichean de dh’eileanaich.   Photograph by Janet Miles…

Minimising Our Environmental Impact

Gnìomhachas Seasmhach 3. A’ Lùghdachadh ar buaidh àrainneachdail Tha gach muilinn Clò Hearach a’ dol a rèir inbhean reachdail, a’ gabhail a-steach a bhith a’ cleachdadh pròiseasan dathaidh bith-chnàmhach. A…

Impeccable Standards

…about maintaining impeccable standards. A Harris Tweed® millworker inspects the cloth inch by inch. The same process towards perfection continues in the mills today. Photographer Unknown For More Archive Posts:…

Earth Day 2021

Happy Earth Day from the home of Harris Tweed® – where the cloth comes from the land. Let’s hope we are ready for take-off into a bright-eyed vision for our…

Woven Geology

…for island mill, Harris Tweed Hebrides. See below how to visit our site for their contact details.   Harris Tweed® fabric: Jane Hepburn Macmillan   Rock: Janet Miles Images  …

A Royal Visit

This is for our many Harris Tweed® friends who love to pour over the detail of costume, fabric and design. Note the contrast in clothing and stance as one woman…

The Weaver at Work: Reg Amor

…family adventure in the Harris Tweed® industry, from which they’ve never looked back.   Harris Tweed® weaver Reg Amor, Handwoven Tartans and Tweeds – photography by Jackson Tucker Lynch, 2013…